I Need to Scream
I need to scream
But nothing comes
Because it's this family
That doesn't speak
Of blues and hurt
Read the full poem in the tiny wren magazine.
I had my first poem accepted for publication today! 🥹 Over Christmas, the pressure to perform, to keep quiet and conform, very much got to this mildly disabled soul. I developed a 12-day migraine, I got really sick - I think my body was telling me that it was time to speak up. Inside, I needed to scream.
The poem came alive on a whim, in a moment of release. It was my way to express the pain, my way to scream, quietly, without bothering anyone, the way we're all expected to be.
It's only nine lines long, but it found a home in the tiny wren literature magazine. From day one I was checking whether the editors had responded to my submission because the magazine spoke to me so much. I don't normally do this! I especially loved the poignancy of their "tiny poems" - things are said so perfectly and powerfully! Somehow I just knew that I had found my tribe deep within the works that were published.
Thank you tiny wren magazine!!