Mona’s writing appeared in:

Featured writing

Windshield Wipers
Mona Angéline Mona Angéline

Windshield Wipers

This piece was shortlisted for the 2024 WestWord Flash Prize.

I'm so sorry that I left the windshield wiper halfway up. I'm sorry it stuck up like your sore thumb with no way to come down from its high, the kind of high you were on as I behaved like myself again, that way that nobody but you would put up with in all those million years I've stayed.

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Out of the Cold
Flash Fiction Magazine Mona Angéline Flash Fiction Magazine Mona Angéline

Out of the Cold

The baby hummingbird drank greedily from the dropper. She had named him Finn. Mona let out a pained sigh of relief. It was 3:37 a.m., exactly four hours and twenty-three minutes before her graduate committee would arrive. This Ph.D. defense was her last exam. She would have to demonstrate how torpor worked—the state somewhere in between a power nap and hibernation that hummingbirds went in and out of to withstand cold temperatures.

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